" This .vimrc file should be placed in your home directory " The Terminal app supports (at least) 16 colors " So you can have the eight dark colors and the eight light colors " the plain colors, using these settings, are the same as the light ones " NOTE: You will need to replace ^[ with a raw Escape character, which you " can type by typing Ctrl-V and then (after releaseing Ctrl-V) the Escape key. if has("terminfo") set t_Co=16 set t_AB=[%?%p1%{8}%<%t%p1%{40}%+%e%p1%{92}%+%;%dm set t_AF=[%?%p1%{8}%<%t%p1%{30}%+%e%p1%{82}%+%;%dm else set t_Co=16 set t_Sf=[3%dm set t_Sb=[4%dm endif syntax on set encoding=utf-8 set tabstop=4 set ruler set showmatch set vb t_vb= set expandtab set smarttab set shiftwidth=4 set softtabstop=4 "use :retab to expand tabs to spaces in current buffer "set cul "hi CursorLine term=none cterm=none ctermbg=7 " these 2 lines are only required if newlisp.vim is not in $VIMDIR/syntax/lisp.vim au BufRead,BufNewFile *.lsp set filetype=newlisp au! Syntax newlisp source /Users/lutz/etc/newlisp.vim " put the following to make newlisp.vim syntax file behave like Vim 6 on 7 " let g:newlisp_compat = 1 " X executes the current file with newLISP :nmap X :! newlisp % " S set syntax to newLISP on files w/o or non-lsp extension :nmap S :set syntax=newlisp