Differences Win32 and UNIX like OSs

Installation and start-up and exit

• .init.lsp - looked for in HOME directory environment variable on Unix or on USERPROFILE or DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable contents on Win32 (see code init.lsp).

• installation - on UNIX in /usr/bin and /usr/share/newlisp/ on Windows in Program files/newlisp or directory inidicated by PROGRAMFILES environment variable.

• exit newLISP - Ctrl-D on UNIX, Ctrl-Z on Win32, (exit) and Ctrl-C work on both


• date - some format characters differ and Window rerturns 12/31/1969, while Unix returns nil for values resulting in dates earlier than 1/11970.

• directory - the format for directory spec may have drive letters in Win32, they are not existent on UNIX.

• fork - multithreading with fork is only available on UNIX.

• import - on Win32 two callling conventions stdcall and cdecl' on UNIX only cdecl''.

• member - on strings does not have an option for case insensitivity on Win32.

• net-receive-from - on Win32 bytes received more the max-bytes specified result in net-receive-from returning nil and socket closure. On Unix bytes are discarded.

• net-receive-udp - same as net-receive-from.

• now - daylight savings time is a o/1 flag on UNIX but the bias in minutes on Win32.

• parse-date - not available on Win32.

• println - line terminator in UNIX is 10/LF but 13-10/CR-LF on Win32.

• process - on Win32 has a display option to control icon, hidden, or window display status

• process - on UNIX can specify an optional pipe handle for stderr redirection.

• read-key - returns 10/LF on UNIX but 13/CR return on Win32 for the <enter> key.

• reset - has an option on UNIX to restart the process, not available on Win32.

• semaphore - on UNIX can inquire semaphore status, not available on Win32.

• share - on UNIX returns an absolute memory address, but a handle on Win32 only acessable via the share function.

• signal - on UNIX Ctrl-C (SIGINT) can be handled, on Win32 Ctrl-C will always exit.

• spawn - belongs to the Cilk API, is only simulated on Windows for portability.

• sync - belongs to the Cilk API, is only simulated on Windows for portability.

• wait-pid - is only available on UNIX.

• write-line - line terminator in UNIX is 10/LF but 13-10/CR-LF on Win32.