
# hash2 - benchmark
# newLISP does not have hashtables but can
# simulate hashes efficient with symbols

(context 'Hash1) ; create hash container
(context 'MAIN) ; go back to MAIN context
(context 'Hash2) ; create hash container
(context 'MAIN) ; go back to MAIN context

(set 'n (integer (main-args 2)))

(dotimes (i 10000)
	(set (sym (format "foo_%d" i) Hash1) i) )

(dotimes (i n)
	(dotree (k Hash1)
		(set 'key (sym (name k) Hash2 nil))
		(if key 
			(inc key (eval k))
			(set (sym (name k) Hash2) (eval k)))))

(println Hash1:foo_1 " " Hash1:foo_9999 " " Hash2:foo_1 " " Hash2:foo_9999)


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