;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
;;; $Id: takfp-newlisp.code,v 1.1 2004/12/05 21:22:46 bfulgham Exp $
;;; http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/
;;; Contributed by Brent Fulgham
;;; changes L.M. 2004/12/13

;;; switch int-ops to float-ops
(constant '- sub '* mul) 

(define (tak x y z)
  (if (>= y x)
      (tak (tak (- x 1) y z) (tak (- y 1) z x) (tak (- z 1) x y))))

(define (main)
  (set 'n (integer (last (main-args))))
    (format "%.1f" (tak (* n 3.0) (* n 2.0) (* n 1.0) ))))


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