
; starting newlisp-10.3.3, callback routines can be registered with
; newlisp.dll, newlisp.dylib, newlisp.so using the new 'newlispCallback'

(set 'LIBRARY (if (= ostype "Win32") "newlisp.dll" "newlisp.dylib")) ; or newlisp.so for other Unix
(import LIBRARY "newlispEvalStr")
(import LIBRARY "newlispCallback")

(set 'CALLTYPE (if (= ostype "Win32") "stdcall" "cdecl"))
(define (callme p1 p2 p3) (println "p1 => " p1 " p2 => " p2 " p3 => " p3) "hello world")

(newlispCallback "callme" (callback 0 'callme) LIBRARY)

(println "-> "
  (get-string (newlispEvalStr {(get-string (callme 123 456 789))}))) ; for string return
;(println "-> "
; (get-string (newlispEvalStr {(callme 123 456 789)}))) ; for number return


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