
; post, delete and see user and friends messages and followers on http://twitter.com
; February 12th, 2009, L.M.
; version 0.1
; version 0.2
;    added twitter seach
;    fields now separated by CR-LF
;    records now separated by CR-LF CR-LF
; version 0.3
;    eliminated spurious nil in search
; version 0.4
;    added note about basic-auth expiration on Twitter June 1st, 2010
;    added xml option to search

; NOTE, that all funcion requiring user/password authentication may expire
; in June 1st 2010, when twitter switches to oAuth type of authentication.

; when no parameters are given, show help text

(set 'helptext [text]EXAMPLES:
    twitter userid:pass followers
    twitter userid:pass followers xml
    twitter userid:pass user
    twitter userid:pass user 10
    twitter userid:pass friends
    twitter userid:pass friends 10
    twitter userid:pass delete 1234567890
    twitter userid:pass post "this is a test"
    twitter search the-word-to-search

append "xml" to return results as XML

(unless (main-args 3) 
  (println helptext) 

(when (= (main-args 2) "search")
  ; this is a search, no user authentication is required
  (set 'xml (get-url (string "http://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=" (main-args 3))))
  (when (= (main-args -1) "xml")
    (println xml)
  (xml-type-tags nil nil nil nil) ; no extra tags
  (set 'sxml (xml-parse xml 31)) ; turn on SXML options
  (set 'entry-index (ref-all '(entry *) sxml match))
  (when (empty? entry-index)
    (println "No entries found")
  (dolist (idx entry-index)
    (set 'entry (sxml idx))
    (println (lookup 'published entry) "\r\n"
             (lookup '(author name) entry ) "\r\n" 
             (lookup 'title entry) "\r\n\r\n"))

(define (url-encode str) 
  (replace {([^a-zA-Z0-9])} str (format "%%%2X" (char $1)) 0)) 

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FUNCTIONS REQUIRING AUTHENTICATION ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; authorization user id and password
(set 'user-pass (main-args 2))
(set 'auth (append "Authorization: Basic " (base64-enc user-pass) "\r\n"))

(when (= (main-args 3) "followers")
  (set 'xml (get-url "http://twitter.com/statuses/followers.xml" 5000 auth))
  (if (= (main-args -1) "xml")
    (println xml)
    (println (join (find-all "<screen_name>(.*)</screen_name>" xml $1) "\r\n") "\r\n"))

(when (= (main-args 3) "user")
  (set 'cnt (main-args 4))
  (if-not cnt (set 'cnt "1")) ; return only the last post by default
  (set 'url (append "http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline.xml?count=" cnt))
  (set 'xml (get-url url 5000 auth))
  (if (= (main-args -1) "xml")
    (println xml)
      (xml-type-tags nil nil nil nil)
      (set 'sxml (xml-parse xml 31))
      (set 'sxml (2 (sxml 0)))
      (dolist (post sxml)
        (println (0 19 (post 1 1)) "\r\n" (post 2 1) "\r\n" (post 3 1) "\r\n\r\n"))
(when (= (main-args 3) "friends")
  (set 'cnt (main-args 4))
  (if-not cnt (set 'cnt "1")) ; return only the last post by default
  (set 'url (append "http://twitter.com/statuses/friends_timeline.xml?count=" cnt))
  (set 'xml (get-url url 5000 auth))
  (if (= (main-args -1) "xml")
    (println xml)
      (xml-type-tags nil nil nil nil)
      (set 'sxml (xml-parse xml 31))
      (set 'sxml (2 (sxml 0)))
      (dolist (post sxml)
        (println (0 19 (post 1 1)) "\r\n" (post 10 2 1) "\r\n" (post 3 1) "\r\n\r\n"))
(when (= (main-args 3) "delete")
  (set 'url (string "http://twitter.com/statuses/destroy/" (main-args 4) ".xml"))
  (set 'xml (delete-url url 5000 auth))
  (if (= (main-args -1) "xml")
    (println xml)
      (if (find "<text>(.*)</text>" xml 0)
        (println "deleted: " $1))
      (if (find "<error>(.*)</error>" xml 0)
        (println "error: " $1))

(when (= (main-args 3) "post")
  (set 'url (string "http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xml"))
  (set 'msg (join (4 (main-args)) " "))
  (set 'text (append "status=" (url-encode msg)))
  (set 'content-type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  (set 'xml (post-url url text content-type 5000 auth))
  (if (= (main-args -1) "xml")
    (println xml)
      (if (find "<text>(.*)</text>" xml 0)
        (println "posted: " $1))
      (if (find "<error>(.*)</error>" xml 0)
        (println "error: " $1))

(println "wrong command")
(println helptext)

; eof

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