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- newLISP IDE. This is a very simple web based application to develop newLISP programs and HTML pages in an interactive way, editing and evaluating code over the web and executing shell commands on the server. Specially suited to develop web applications and for simple site administrative tasks when nor SSH or Telnet shell access is available. There is no demo of this on this site because of the potential security risk. This applications runs on any browser capable of frames and JavaScript:
download: newlisp-ide-4.7.tgz
- newLISP Wiki, this is the software now running this site. More than a wiki, it can be used as a content management system CMS, because of its customization facilities and the possibilities to partially or completely protect pages from editing or viewing with individual passwords. The system also contains faclilites to build blogging or news sites.
Go here for the latest version: Demo and download (demo is now read-only to avoid spam).
Another site running newLISP Wiki:
A patch file is available from www.tprimke.net adding a renaming of pages, table of contents and tagging features. The already patched files are also available here.